After Suffering A Stroke On Insane Commute, Kroger Coworkers Gather Hundreds of Petition Signatures Demanding A Transfer

Felecia Mayes, a Kroger cashier for 18 years, suffered a stroke on the bus after being forced to commute two hours to work.
Felecia Mayes has worked as a Kroger cashier for 18 years. Last year, after Kroger closed her store in Portsmouth, she applied for a transfer to a Kroger Marketplace store only minutes from her home. The company denied her request and gave her two choices instead – commute to a store two hours away from home or lose her job.
Last week, while taking the two-hour trip to work, Felecia suffered a stroke on the bus. Her doctor attributes to the stress and physical difficulty of her new commute. Meanwhile, there is a Kroger Marketplace store within eyesight of her home.
After hearing the news, Felecia’s coworkers collected hundreds of signatures from Kroger employees on a petition demanding the company immediately transfer her to the Kroger Marketplace a short walk from her home.
Call the Kroger Marketplace: (757) 215-4205
You can help Felecia. Call the Kroger Marketplace in Portsmouth at (757) 215-4205 and tell the store manager that this is no way to treat loyal employees like Felecia. Tell him to honor her request and immediately transfer Felecia to the Kroger Marketplace in Portsmouth with all the benefits and protections of her union contract intact.