Kroger Shop Steward Wins Back Pay for Local 400 Members

Kroger Shop Steward Wins Back Pay for Local 400 Members

Nicole Boyd had had enough. A shop steward and florist at Kroger #326 in Lynchburg, Virginia, she was tired of seeing managers doing work that was supposed to be assigned to her coworkers, while Local 400 members working part-time weren’t getting the hours they wanted...
West Virginia Kroger Contract Negotiations Begin

West Virginia Kroger Contract Negotiations Begin

This week we spent two days meeting with Kroger to negotiate our new collective bargaining agreement. Our current agreement expires on October 7, and we are working hard to get a fair agreement. This week, we exchanged some initial proposals and let the company know...

Kroger Associates Start To Receive Back Pay Checks

As announced last week, Kroger owes over $300,000 in back pay. This week, Local 400 members started to receive their checks! Without a union, that money would be lost to us. But, thanks to the Kroger associates who made sure that our union contract was enforced, we...