July 22: Lipton Contract Proposal Meetings

July 22: Lipton Contract Proposal Meetings

In the coming weeks, we will begin negotiating our next union contract with Lipton. But first we need to hear from you! Join us at one of our upcoming contract proposal meetings to help us to shape our strategy and prioritize our goals for contract negotiations. Your...
Take Action for #BestJobsBestCare at Kaiser

Take Action for #BestJobsBestCare at Kaiser

Every day, Alliance union members dedicate themselves to providing the best care and service every time, everywhere, even during a worldwide pandemic. Safe staffing is crucial for delivering excellent care. Yet, Kaiser Permanente leaders rarely involve Alliance unions...
Take Action to Save Our Health Care!

Take Action to Save Our Health Care!

Negotiations with Kroger on our next union contract are moving slowly. While we have been continuing to work hard after an exhausting year, Kroger has been disrespecting us and our hard work by not fully engaging in contract negotiations. The company has been...
Don’t Trust Kroger With Your Health Care: No Company Plan

Don’t Trust Kroger With Your Health Care: No Company Plan

Negotiations on our next Richmond/Tidewater union contract with Kroger have begun. We have met with company representatives over Zoom video conference and and we made our goals clear: Safe working conditions Better pay Sick leave Adequate staffing to serve our...