Kroger Roanoke Meat Cutters Pension Vote Information

Kroger Roanoke Meat Cutters Pension Vote Information

If you are a Local 400 member working as a Kroger meat cutter under the Roanoke contract, there is an important upcoming vote on changes to your pension plan that will impact your retirement. This vote only applies to Kroger meat cutters working under our Roanoke...
Negotiations Underway on Next Kroger West Virginia Contract

Negotiations Underway on Next Kroger West Virginia Contract

Negotiations on our next Kroger West Virginia contract are underway. We are proud to introduce this year’s Bargaining Advisory Committee who will help to lead negotiations on our next contract: Rob Coen, Kroger #714 (Morgantown, WV) Mark Cordle, Kroger #780 (Oak Hill,...
Shoppers Union Contract Survey Now Available

Shoppers Union Contract Survey Now Available

As we negotiate our next union contract with Shoppers Food & Pharmacy, please help us put together our proposals for the negotiations by completing our 2020 Contract Survey. Your responses will help us put fight hardest for the things you and other members want...
Kroger Roanoke Meat Cutters Pension Vote Information

Kroger Members Vote to Ratify New Roanoke Contract

Following votes taken over three days at stores throughout the region, UFCW Local 400 members working at Kroger stores under the Roanoke contract overwhelmingly ratified a new collective bargaining agreement. Members voted 558-172 in favor of adopting the new...
Kroger Roanoke Meat Cutters Pension Vote Information

Watch the Kroger Roanoke Contract Vote Count Live

This week, Kroger members working under our Roanoke contract voted on a new contract proposal from the company. Normally, we would conduct an in-person count of the ballots that any member could witness to ensure the sanctity of the vote. Since we are unable to meet...
UFCW Local 400 Statement on Unilever Spinning Off Tea Business

UFCW Local 400 Statement on Unilever Spinning Off Tea Business

On July 23, 2020, Unilever officially announced that it will spin off much of its tea business into a “separate entity” and that it expects its separation to be complete by the end of 2021. This announcement comes at the end of a so-called strategic review by Unilever...