Lipton Agrees to Pay Employees During COVID Screenings

Lipton Agrees to Pay Employees During COVID Screenings

Unilever recently implemented COVID-19 health screenings of all employees entering its Lipton facility in Suffolk, Virginia. The screenings meant additional unpaid time spent at work waiting in line for the screening. But after the union filed a grievance to object to...
Trio Healthcare Provides Temporary Pay Increases During Crisis

Trio Healthcare Provides Temporary Pay Increases During Crisis

Trio Healthcare facilities (Elizabeth Adam Crump nursing home and Elizabeth House), have agreed to provide a temporary pay increase to our members working during this crisis. All full-time and part-time workers will receive the following pay increases, effective April...
Lipton Agrees to Pay Employees During COVID Screenings

Lipton Responds to Petition With Attendance Bonus

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many UFCW Local 400-represented employers provided increased pay to essential employees. Last week, we launched a petition demanding that Lipton increase pay. Nearly 200 people signed. Today, we can report that our efforts...
Kroger & Giant Agree to Limit Customers in Stores

Kroger & Giant Agree to Limit Customers in Stores

Kroger and Giant Food have agreed to place limits on the number of customers permitted in stores at the same time, along with other enhanced safety measures. Giant will limit the number of customers in stores at a given time to 20% of the store’s capacity (as defined...