On September 12, 2019 – before negotiations on our next contract even began – we held a powerful Rally for a Fair Contract that made it clear to both companies that we will do whatever it takes for a fair deal. Read our recap of the rally and view photos on the UFCW...
Send Message to Management: It’s Time to Share in the Rewards for our Hard Work Hundreds of Local 400 members were joined by other union members, community activists and elected officials as they marched between Giant and Safeway stores in Washington, D.C. and rallied...
Are you ready to fight for a fair contract at Giant & Safeway? Are you sick of your store being understaffed? Not getting enough hours? Being asked to do two jobs for the price of one? Negotiations with Giant & Safeway on our next union contract will begin in...
Following on the heels of Local 400 becoming the first union in history to represent the staff of a presidential candidate (Bernie Sanders), members of Virginia Delegate Lee Carter’s campaign staff have organized with Local 400 and bargained their first contract. This...
How Cerberus Capital Management Threatens the Future of Safeway As Local 400 members prepare for bargaining with Safeway (as well as Giant) as part of the 2019 negotiations, one factor looms as perhaps the greatest obstacle we face: the toxic impact of private equity...
For Local 400 member and Kroger meat cutter Clarence “Pete” Dickerson, justice was a long time coming. But when it arrived, it was sweet—to the tune of $31,855. Pete’s ordeal started more than eight years ago, when he transferred from his Kroger store in Richmond to...