June 24-28: Take A Stand at Shoppers

June 24-28: Take A Stand at Shoppers

For far too long, the future of Shoppers Food & Pharmacy has been in question. We don’t know when and we don’t know how, but one thing seems clear: thanks to a decision by the corporate office of Shoppers’ parent company, it’s only a matter of time before all...
Poll: Should Lipton Lower Vacation Limits?

Poll: Should Lipton Lower Vacation Limits?

Do you work at Lipton? Please take a moment to complete our quick poll below! Currently, Lipton has a limit on the number of employees within a job classification who may take vacation at the same time. Management is proposing to lower the current limits as follows:...
Member Wins Grievance, Receives Back Pay

Member Wins Grievance, Receives Back Pay

For 29 years, Mary Stephens had worked at the Parkersburg Care Center (now owned by Genesis Healthcare, Inc.) in Parkersburg, W.Va., the first 15 years in dietary and the last 14 years in laundry. By all accounts, she was a model employee and Local 400 member. Two...
Local 400 Stands in Solidarity with Striking Stop & Shop Workers

Local 400 Stands in Solidarity with Striking Stop & Shop Workers

This afternoon, 31,000 UFCW members working at Stop & Shop stores in New England walked off the job. Stop & Shop—like Giant Food in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia—is a banner of the Dutch-Belgian conglomerate Ahold Delhaize. Stop & Shop workers...