Local 400 Led Push for Better Hours, Pay & Benefits in W.V. Sixty-seven Local 400 members working as Lead Clerks at Kroger in West Virginia received an early Christmas present from their Union when they were upgraded to full-time status thanks to an agreement...
We are pleased to announce that UFCW Local 400 and Kroger have negotiated changes in your union contract to provide new incentives for associates working overnight under the Roanoke union contract – including night crew. An hourly premium of $1.00 will be paid in...
We are pleased to inform you that open enrollment for health care benefits in 2019 has been extended through December 20, 2018 for Kroger associates covered by one of our union contracts. Everyone currently enrolled must re-enroll by no later than December 20, 2018 –...
On Thursday, November 29, 2018, we will be holding a contract vote for Bestway members working at the location in Silver Spring. As a Local 400 union member, you have the opportunity to get answers to your questions and vote on your next contract. Please make a plan...
We are pleased to announce that we have reached a tentative agreement with DanChem Technologies that we are prepared to recommend for ratification. On Friday, November 16, 2018, we will be hosting two contract meetings for members to review the offer. As a Local 400...
On Sunday, November 4, 2018, we will be hosting a contract meeting for members working at Macy’s. As a Local 400 union member, you have the opportunity to get answers to your questions and vote on your next contract. Please make a plan to attend this important...