Member Services
Take Action for #BestJobsBestCare at Kaiser
Join our July National Bargaining Tele-Town Hall on July 22 and take action July 26-28 for #BestJobsBestCare at KP!
Help Win Hero Pay for Essential Workers in DC
Call the DC Council and tell them to support Hero Pay for essential workers!
UNFI No Longer Plans to Sell Shoppers Stores – Back to the Bargaining Table!
Thanks to your actions, we will be back at the bargaining table with Shoppers/UNFI the week of July 12.
Take Action to Save Our Health Care!
Kroger can’t even get our schedules right, why would we trust them with our health care?
Don’t Trust Kroger With Your Health Care: No Company Plan
Kroger appears likely to insist on a company-controlled health care plan as they have in other parts of the country.
Alliance Presents Interests And Options to Improve Benefits, Management Focuses On Cost And Wages
As we are trying to recover from the stress and horror of the pandemic, Kaiser Permanente is saying our wages are too high.
Macy’s Members Ratify New Contract
The new three-year contract provides fair pay, good benefits and safer working conditions.
Alliance Leaders Meet with Kaiser Permanente on Economics, Safety, Racial Justice, Staffing, & Dispute Resolution
Our Alliance bargaining teams have been pushing KP management across all our National Bargaining subcommittees to give us the support we need to provide the best care and service to our patients.
Elizabeth Adam Crump & Elizabeth House Members Ratify New Contract
The new union contract includes larger wage increases, longevity bonuses, and better safeguards in the event of future pandemics.
Giant Delivery Members Ratify Strong Agreement
The new union contract features significant upgrades in pay, benefits and working conditions.
Kaiser Permanente Nurses Hold Vigils Nationwide to Honor Health Care Workers
Alliance unions hosted vigils to remember those we have lost and to honor the sacrifices and strength of our health care members.
Alliance to Kaiser Permanente: We Expect Good Contracts
During national bargaining, Alliance leaders told senior KP executives we expect negotiations to result in excellent National and Local Agreements.
Statement on Giant’s new mask policy from UFCW Local 400 President Mark Federici
Late last night Giant Food announced that as of today, Saturday, May 15, vaccinated associates and customers will no longer be required to wear masks in their stores in Virginia and Charles, Calvert, and St. Mary’s Counties in Maryland. While we understand that this...
Kaiser Permanente Executives Say Our Wages Are Too High
Read the latest bargaining update from national contract negotiations with KP.
May 18 & 20: Kroger Richmond-Tidewater Contract Proposal Meetings
Join us at one of our upcoming virtual contract meetings to help us to shape our strategy and prioritize our goals for contract negotiations.
Statement on West Hempstead Stop & Shop Shooting from UFCW Local 400 President Mark Federici
“Today, it is with deep sadness and utter frustration that we must once again condemn a senseless act of gun violence in an American grocery store.”
Vaccine Appointments Now Available to Shoppers Workers in Prince George’s County, Md.
Sign up to be fast-tracked to receive the vaccine and the county will follow up with you to schedule your appointment.
Statement on Colorado King Soopers Shooting from UFCW Local 400 President Mark Federici
This atrocity strikes us particularly hard, not only because it comes less than a week after another mass shooting in Atlanta, but because it happened in a grocery store.
All West Virginia Residents Over 16 Now Eligible for the Vaccine
Local 400 President Mark Federici calls on every member on the frontlines to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
Grocery Workers Can Book Vaccine Appointments in Montgomery County, Md
Local 400 President Mark Federici calls on every member on the frontlines to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
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UFCW Local 400 represents workers at a variety of employers: