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UFCW Local 400 West Virginia Voter Guide
Do not let this election pass you by in silence. Read our 2020 West Virginia Voter Guide and make a plan to vote!
UFCW Local 400 Maryland Voter Guide
Do not let this election pass you by in silence. Read our 2020 Maryland Voter Guide and make a plan to vote!
UFCW Local 400 DC Voter Guide
Do not let this election pass you by in silence. Read our 2020 DC Voter Guide and make a plan to vote!
Zoom Meeting & Vote for Bloomingdale’s Chevy Chase Contract
Negotiations between UFCW Local 400 and Bloomingdale’s for a new Chevy Chase contract have recently concluded.
Minimal Progress in Kroger Contract Negotiations, Take Action on Thursdays
Negotiations with Kroger on a new West Virginia contract have stalled. Take action every Thursday until we get a fair contract.
Kroger Workers Staging Weekly Protests Over Proposed Healthcare Cuts
With “hero pay” already gone, store workers are outraged after Kroger proposes cuts to health care amid pandemic.
Kroger Protest Every Thursday Until We Get A Fair Contract
We’ll be back every week until we get a fair union contract in West Virginia.
Takoma Park Police Officers Ratify Strong New Union Contract
Local 400 members serving as Takoma Park, Md., Police Officers recently ratified a strong new three-year collective bargaining agreement.
West Virginia Kroger Workers Staging Protests Over Union Contract
Kroger workers in West Virginia are staging car caravan protests in Charleston, Beckley and Parkersburg to call on the grocer to negotiate a fair union contract.
Oct 1: Car Caravan for a Fair Contract at Kroger
We need to show Kroger that we are willing to do whatever it takes to get a fair contract in West Virginia.
UFCW Locals Demand Hazard Pay Negotiations at Giant
Presidents of UFCW Locals 400 & 27 have penned a letter to Giant demanding the company open negotiations for hazard pay.
2020 Virginia Candidates Endorsed by UFCW Local 400
Do not let this election pass you by in silence. Read our 2020 Virginia Voter Guide and make a plan to vote!
West Virginia Kroger Pension Vote Details
If you are a Local 400 member working under our Kroger West Virginia contract, there is an important upcoming vote on changes to your pension plan that will impact your retirement.
Virginia Democratic Party Office Staff Unionize with UFCW Local 400
In a historic vote, office staff working for the Democratic Party of Virginia have unionized with UFCW Local 400.
Local 400 Member Selected as Electoral College Delegate
Jacqueline Echavarria, a 22-year Local 400 member who works as a cashier at the Petworth Safeway, was selected as one of three delegates to the Electoral College from the District of Columbia.
Grocery Workers Plan Protests to Demand Hazard Pay
With workplace cases continuing to accumulate, union grocery workers staging 18 simultaneous protests to reinstate hazard pay at Giant, Safeway & Kroger
Sep 3rd: Take Action to Reinstate Hazard Pay at Giant, Safeway & Kroger
Join us on Thursday, September 3rd to demand hazard pay for grocery workers on the frontlines.
Local 400 Members Stage Daring Sea Rescue
Members of UFCW Local 400 working on an Omega Protein fishing boat recently rescued six people whose boat had caught fire in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast near the Maryland/Virginia line.
Local 400 President Pens Letter to Kroger Demanding Hazard Pay
UFCW Local 400 President Mark Federici wrote a letter to Kroger demanding the company reinstate “hero pay.”
Kroger West Virginia Contract Extended
While negotiations continue, Kroger has agreed to extend the current contract until midnight September 26, 2020.
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