Member Services
Giant & Safeway Negotiations Stalled, It’s Time to Get Serious
With our contracts at Giant and Safeway expiring in only nine days, and after 20 days of negotiations, we remain far apart on nearly every single issue.
2019 Virginia Voter Guide: Vote Tuesday, November 5th!
Control of the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate is up for grabs in the November 5th legislative elections, and Local 400 members have a unique opportunity to put worker allies fully in control of the entire General Assembly.
Local 400 President Demands Answers on Future of Shoppers
Today, UFCW Local 400 President Mark Federici sent a letter to Steven Spinner, CEO of Shopper’s parent company UNFI, demanding more information on the future of Shoppers.
2020 Scholarships Available for Giant, Safeway & Shoppers Members
If you’re a Local 400 member working at Giant Food, Safeway, or Shoppers Food, you or a family member could be eligible for an exclusive scholarship!
Apply Now for the 2020 Union Plus Scholarship
As a UFCW member, you and your family are eligible for an exclusive scholarship through the Union Plus Scholarship Program.
District’s Largest Retail Union Calls on Metro to Restore Late Night Service
“On behalf of our hardworking families, we urge WMATA to restore full service Metrorail hours.”
Unlock Your Union Discounts to Six Flags Fright Fest
As a member of UFCW Local 400, you can enjoy special discount tickets to Six Flags Fright Fest.
Meet the Team Negotiating Our Next Contracts at Giant & Safeway
Together, we have more than 300 years of combined experience in the stores. We’re ready to fight for the best deal we can – and we need your help.
UFCW Local 400 Supports Omega Protein’s Actions to Keep Workers Fishing
The United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) Local 400 supports Omega Protein’s decision earlier this month that keeps our members working and fishing safely in the Chesapeake Bay.
Kroger Member Wins Back Pay, Gets Job Back After Year-Long Suspension
For Local 400 member Claudia McCann, it was a year that seemingly had no end—until an arbitration won her job back and $34,485 in back pay.
We’re Fired Up & Ready for a Fair Contract at Giant & Safeway!
We’re ready to take action to get what we deserve, and we need you to be ready too.
Members, Allies, Elected Officials March and Rally For Fair Contracts at Giant and Safeway
Hundreds of Local 400 members rallied for fair contracts at Giant & Safeway the day before the start of negotiations on a new union contract were to begin.
Sep 12: Rally for a Fair Contract at Giant & Safeway
Join us on Thursday, September 12 in Washington, D.C. for a rally and march at Giant Food and Safeway stores to demand a fair contract!
Lee Carter Staff Become First Campaign Workers to Unionize in Virginia
This is believed to be the first collective bargaining agreement to ever cover the staff of a political campaign in Virginia.
Aug 24: “Labor Day” at Appalachian Power Park
Join us for “Labor Day” at Appalachian Power Park on Saturday, August 24.
Safeway Undermined by Private Equity Plunderers
Learn how Cerberus Capital Management threatens the future of Safeway.
Scholarships Awarded to Children of Local 400 Members
Local 400 has awarded Scholarships to four members’ children help fund their college education in the 2019-2020 school year.
Local 400 Member’s Daughter Awarded Scholarship from Ashcraft & Gerel
Rebeka Berhane was honored as the recipient of this year’s annual scholarship from the law firm of Ashcraft & Gerel.
Union Wins $31,855 in Back Pay for Kroger Meat Cutter in Appomattox
For Local 400 member and Kroger meat cutter Clarence “Pete” Dickerson, justice was a long time coming. But when it arrived, it was sweet—to the tune of $31,855.
Shoppers Workers, Community Leaders Rally to Save Stores Facing Closure
Speakers and participants called on the company to ensure these locations remain grocery stores with strong union jobs.
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