Settlement Reached with Kroger to Avoid Health Care Cuts

Good news! Kroger has backed off their proposed cuts and our health care benefits remain fully funded and secure.

MOM’s Organic Market Faces New Charges for Discrimination Against Union Workers

The new charges come only a month after a federal Labor Board settlement against the company for previous discrimination.

Solenis Tablet Plant Members Win 43% Raise

The agreement covers 72 workers and includes a 42.8% wage increase across the board, followed by 2.5% raises every year for the following three years.

Kroger Roanoke Contract Survey Now Open

Take a moment to complete our Contract Survey ahead of negotiations on our next union contract.

Local 400 Rep Raises Money to Help Union Members in Need

Our very own Linnette Floyd put together an outstanding team and raised more than $1,100 for the 2025 Bowling for Gold charity tournament.


Bernie Sanders Campaign Workers Join UFCW Local 400

Workers on the Bernie Sanders Campaign made themselves the first presidential campaign employees in history to win union representation, as a majority signed cards joining United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 400.

67 Kroger Leads Upgraded to Full-Time

67 Kroger Leads Upgraded to Full-Time

Sixty-seven Local 400 members working as Lead Clerks at Kroger in West Virginia received an early Christmas present from their Union when they were upgraded to full-time status thanks to an agreement between the Company and Local 400.

New $1.00 Night Premium for Kroger Roanoke Associates

New $1.00 Night Premium for Kroger Roanoke Associates

We are pleased to announce that UFCW Local 400 and Kroger have negotiated changes in your union contract to provide new incentives for associates working overnight under the Roanoke union contract – including night crew.

Local 400 President Receives NAACP Labor Service Award

Local 400 President Receives NAACP Labor Service Award

The Maryland State Conference NAACP recently honored Local 400 President Mark Federici with the Labor Service Award. “I am deeply humbled by this award,” said Mark Federici. “Our union family is proud to stand with the NAACP and we are privileged to partner with many...

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Free Legal Benefit Available to All Giant, Safeway & Shoppers Union Members

If you are a UFCW Local 400 member working at Giant, Safeway or Shoppers, you and your dependents are eligible for a FREE legal benefit through Akman & Associates, LLC.

Learn a New Language for Free

UFCW members can start learning Spanish, French, German, English, and/or Mandarin today.

Want to earn your GED?

Every UFCW member can take GED classes for free.

Free Workforce Essentials Courses

Sharpen your skills with the Workforce Essential programs offered through UFCW education benefits. Get the knowledge that will help you advance your career.

UFCW Local 400 represents workers at a variety of employers:

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