Settlement Reached with Kroger to Avoid Health Care Cuts

Good news! Kroger has backed off their proposed cuts and our health care benefits remain fully funded and secure.

MOM’s Organic Market Faces New Charges for Discrimination Against Union Workers

The new charges come only a month after a federal Labor Board settlement against the company for previous discrimination.

Solenis Tablet Plant Members Win 43% Raise

The agreement covers 72 workers and includes a 42.8% wage increase across the board, followed by 2.5% raises every year for the following three years.

Kroger Roanoke Contract Survey Now Open

Take a moment to complete our Contract Survey ahead of negotiations on our next union contract.

Local 400 Rep Raises Money to Help Union Members in Need

Our very own Linnette Floyd put together an outstanding team and raised more than $1,100 for the 2025 Bowling for Gold charity tournament.


Local 400 Member Presented with National Nursing Award

Local 400 Member Presented with National Nursing Award

For 18 years, Isolina (“Izzy”) Pistolessi has worked as a nurse at Kaiser’s Falls Church Care Center, but she has done so much more. On the job, she is a mentor to other nurses, conducts outreach to the community, promotes public health, educates and cares for...

Discounted Bowie Baysox Baseball Tickets All Season Long

Discounted Bowie Baysox Baseball Tickets All Season Long

As a member of our UFCW Local 400 family, you not only earn a union contract that protects your rights at work, you also receive remarkable benefits that can save you and your loved ones thousands of dollars each year. These benefits range from discounts on wireless...

Work at Kroger? Ignore This Sign!

Work at Kroger? Ignore This Sign!

It’s come to our attention that many Kroger managers are posting a “speed limit” sign in some stores that reads “minimum speed 55 cases per hour.” Under your union contract, you cannot be compelled to stock 55 cases per hour. This is only a recommended guideline. You...

Lipton Contract Negotiations Moving Forward Steadily

Lipton Contract Negotiations Moving Forward Steadily

Contract Negotiations Update #4 Hello all! We were back at bargaining this week. After three more days of negotiations, we are excited to say we are still making progress. We know it seems like things have been slow-moving, but we want to make sure that we leave...

Local 400 Members Speak Out on Capitol Hill

Local 400 Members Speak Out on Capitol Hill

Local 400 Members Descend on Capitol to Urge Opposition to “Right to Work,” Immigration Raids, Trumpcare Sometimes it seems like members of congress don’t listen to us. They don’t seem to understand the needs of ordinary, hardworking men and women who just want a...

May 11 & 16: Shoppers Contract Meetings

May 11 & 16: Shoppers Contract Meetings

What do you want in your next union contract? In the coming weeks, a team of your coworkers at Shoppers and Local 400 staff will begin negotiating our next union contract with Shoppers Food & Pharmacy. But first we need to hear from you! Join us for an upcoming...

Member Spotlight: John Ruiz Is a Force for Solidarity

Member Spotlight: John Ruiz Is a Force for Solidarity

John Ruiz believes in solidarity with every fiber of his being. During our recent contract negotiations with Safeway and Giant, Safeway workers reached a tentative agreement, but Giant workers faced a looming strike vote. John took action immediately to show he and...

Lipton Contract Negotiations Proceeding Well

Lipton Contract Negotiations Proceeding Well

Contract Negotiations Update #3 Mark Your Calendars: Lipton Union Membership Meetings April 25 & 26 After another two days of negotiations with Lipton this week, we are all in high spirits. We still have a few remaining issues to work out, but we have made...

Union-Made Shopping Essentials For St. Patrick’s Day

Union-Made Shopping Essentials For St. Patrick’s Day

What’s better than finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow this St. Patrick’s Day? Having a full list of union-made brews right at your fingertips, of course! Americans will spend $250 million on beer alone on St. Patrick’s Day. Whether you favor a night out...

Anita Anderson: Organizing for a Better Life

For Anita Anderson, working as an operator/trainer at the Lipton Tea factory in Suffolk, Va., could not have been more stressful. For two full years, she and her co-workers were forced to put in 12-hour shifts for 13 consecutive days before they could get a single day...

Congratulations to ABC Drawing Winner, Tracey Anne Goroza

Congratulations to ABC Drawing Winner, Tracey Anne Goroza

Local 400 member Tracey Anne Goroza from Safeway #1300 in McLean, Va. is the most recent winner of our Active Ballot Club drawing! Congratulations, Tracey! All across the country, corporations and the ultra-wealthy are funneling unprecedented amounts of money into our...

New Law Guarantees Eight Weeks of Paid Leave for New Parents in D.C.

New Law Guarantees Eight Weeks of Paid Leave for New Parents in D.C.

Starting in 2020, D.C. workers can take up to two weeks of paid sick leave, six weeks paid time off to care for sick loved ones and eight weeks of paid time off for new parents In a landmark victory for workers in the nation’s capital, the District of Columbia has...

Member Spotlight: Taralyn Pike Brings Happiness to the Workplace

Member Spotlight: Taralyn Pike Brings Happiness to the Workplace

In her five years working at Giant, Taralyn Pike loved what her union did for her, but grew frustrated by what she saw as “a great deal of unhappiness at my store.” So she decided to do something about it. Approximately five months ago, she stepped up to become a shop...

April 29: March for Climate, Justice and Jobs

April 29: March for Climate, Justice and Jobs

Join Local 400 for the People’s Climate March on April 29th in Washington, DC Climate change is already causing major problems. We see it in record high temperatures, increasingly severe weather, and rising sea levels. And unless we take bold action now, it will only...

Apply Now for a $5,000 Scholarship from Ashcraft & Gerel

Apply Now for a $5,000 Scholarship from Ashcraft & Gerel

Did you know? As a member of Local 400, you have the chance to receive a $5,000 scholarship for you or an immediate family member. For more than 30 years, the law firm of Ashcraft & Gerel, LLP has been offering union members and their families throughout the...

Work at Shoppers? Complete the 2017 Contract Survey

Work at Shoppers? Complete the 2017 Contract Survey

What do you want in your next union contract? In the coming weeks, we will begin negotiating our next union contract with Shoppers Food & Pharmacy. Please help us put together our proposals for the upcoming negotiations by completing our 2017 Contract Proposal...

Free Workshop: How to Apply for U.S. Citizenship

Free Workshop: How to Apply for U.S. Citizenship

On April 1, Local 400 will host a FREE workshop on how to apply for U.S. citizenship. FREE Workshop: How to Apply for U.S. Citizenship April 1, 2017 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Community Mennonite Church, 110 S High St, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 An estimated 8.8 million...

Jibril Wallace: Fighting for Paid Leave

Jibril Wallace: Fighting for Paid Leave

Jibril Wallace has been working at the same Safeway in Washington, D.C. for 28 years, since she was a teenager helping her mother pay the bills. Now her income helps support her two children, ages 18 and 8. Through the years, Jibril moved up from courtesy clerk to...

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Free Legal Benefit Available to All Giant, Safeway & Shoppers Union Members

If you are a UFCW Local 400 member working at Giant, Safeway or Shoppers, you and your dependents are eligible for a FREE legal benefit through Akman & Associates, LLC.

Learn a New Language for Free

UFCW members can start learning Spanish, French, German, English, and/or Mandarin today.

Want to earn your GED?

Every UFCW member can take GED classes for free.

Free Workforce Essentials Courses

Sharpen your skills with the Workforce Essential programs offered through UFCW education benefits. Get the knowledge that will help you advance your career.

UFCW Local 400 represents workers at a variety of employers:

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