Solenis Tablet Plant Members Win 43% Raise

The agreement covers 72 workers and includes a 42.8% wage increase across the board, followed by 2.5% raises every year for the following three years.

Kroger Roanoke Contract Survey Now Open

Take a moment to complete our Contract Survey ahead of negotiations on our next union contract.

Local 400 Rep Raises Money to Help Union Members in Need

Our very own Linnette Floyd put together an outstanding team and raised more than $1,100 for the 2025 Bowling for Gold charity tournament.

Workers Win Settlement With MOM’s Organic Market Over Unlawful Discrimination Against Union Supporters

The $17,302.67 settlement with the company compensates 74 victims who were unlawfully denied pay increases after unionizing.

UFCW Local 400 Wins Settlement Against Union Kitchen Over Theft of Workers’ Tips

The $133,000 settlement compensates victims of the company’s wage theft following a lawsuit filed by the union.


2024 Membership Meeting Schedule

2024 Membership Meeting Schedule

UFCW Local 400 membership meetings are held regularly throughout the year. These events are a great way to learn the latest news from your union and meet your fellow union members from other workplaces. Don’t miss it! Make a plan to join us at an upcoming membership...

Mar 14: EMD and E&R Contract Meeting and Vote

Mar 14: EMD and E&R Contract Meeting and Vote

E&R Sales and Marketing, Inc. and EMD Sales, Inc. have provided updated and revised final offers on our contracts that we are presenting to the members for a vote without recommendation. Join us on Thursday, March 14 at 5:30 p.m. for a Zoom video meeting to review...

Unity Wins! Tentative Agreement Reached with Kroger to Avoid a Strike

Unity Wins! Tentative Agreement Reached with Kroger to Avoid a Strike

Monday Rallies Canceled, Join our Tele-Town Hall Instead We have reached a tentative agreement with Kroger on a new West Virginia contract that we, along with your bargaining advisory committee, are unanimously recommending for ratification. After members voted...

Tough Bargaining Continues – Rallies Today

Tough Bargaining Continues – Rallies Today

With less than 48 hours to go until expiration, your union’s bargaining team has continued to meet with Kroger to work toward a fair contract that meets our goals.

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Free Legal Benefit Available to All Giant, Safeway & Shoppers Union Members

If you are a UFCW Local 400 member working at Giant, Safeway or Shoppers, you and your dependents are eligible for a FREE legal benefit through Akman & Associates, LLC.

Learn a New Language for Free

UFCW members can start learning Spanish, French, German, English, and/or Mandarin today.

Want to earn your GED?

Every UFCW member can take GED classes for free.

Free Workforce Essentials Courses

Sharpen your skills with the Workforce Essential programs offered through UFCW education benefits. Get the knowledge that will help you advance your career.

UFCW Local 400 represents workers at a variety of employers:

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