April 15: CVS Contract Meeting

April 15: CVS Contract Meeting

On Sunday, April 15, we will be hosting a contract meeting for members working at CVS. As a Local 400 union member, you have the opportunity to get answers to your questions and vote on your next contract. Please make a plan to attend this important contract meeting....
Forming a New Coalition of Unions to Negotiate with Kaiser Permanente

Forming a New Coalition of Unions to Negotiate with Kaiser Permanente

To secure the best new contract possible as we head into negotiations, 21 local unions from the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions (CKPU) – including UFCW Local 400 – have decided to create a new coalition. We are forming this new coalition because it is the best...
Meet the Team Negotiating Our Next Union Contract at Macy’s

Meet the Team Negotiating Our Next Union Contract at Macy’s

We are your 2018 Macy’s Bargaining Committee! We are Local 400 members who have volunteered to help negotiate our next union contract at Macy’s. As we negotiate our new contract over the coming weeks, we will invite you to take action with us to keep the pressure on...
March 1st: Macy’s Union Contract Meeting

March 1st: Macy’s Union Contract Meeting

What do you want in your next union contract at Macy’s? As we prepare to negotiate a new union contract at Macy’s, we need your help to shape our strategy and prioritize our goals for negotiations. Your input will help us put together proposals well in advance of the...
April 15: CVS Contract Meeting

January 14: CVS Contract Meeting

What do you want in your next union contract? In the coming weeks, we will begin negotiating our next union contract with CVS. But first we need to hear from you! Join us for a union contract meeting on Sunday, January 14 to help us to shape our strategy and...