Make Our Voices Heard in the Corridors of Power Local 400 members from Virginia and West Virginia recently traveled to their state capitols to meet with their state legislators, give testimony, and urge action to improve our members’ lives. Shop stewards Janet...
Local 400 members working at Ocean Harvesters, based in Reedville, VA, have ratified a strong new collective bargaining agreement. For more than 100 years, the workers have been committed to fishing menhaden fish in a responsible manner; equally respecting the...
Our very own Kenny Pinkard, longtime union member and UFCW Local 400 Executive Board Vice President, was recently featured in Chesapeakeville, a journal of Virginia Seafood, Waterman, and Maritime Culture written and published by Timothy Thompson. The article...
Save Six People’s Lives After Boat Catches Fire Members of Local 400 working on the Omega Protein fishing boat Smuggler’s Point recently rescued six people whose boat had caught fire in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast near the Maryland/Virginia line. The boat and its...
Our union has negotiated changes to our Health & Welfare plans at several employers to ensure all testing and diagnostic services related to COVID-19 are free at no cost to you (including deductibles, co-payments and co-premiums). If you work at one of the...