Giant has agreed to do the right thing and NOT SELL ANY of our Giant stores! The marches, rallies, press conferences, and meetings have paid off! All 8 of the stores (6 in Virginia and 2 in Maryland) that had been proposed for sale will remain Giant, pending Federal...
Company Responds with Words, Not Action Hundreds of Local 400 members, Giant customers, brothers and sisters from other unions, community allies, elected officials and faith leaders today marched from Local 400’s office to Giant headquarters to deliver thousands of...
Local elected officials show outpouring of support for hundreds of Giant Food employees in the region threatened by a corporate merger overseas In March, employees at eight Giant Food grocery stores in the region were told their stores could be sold thanks to a...
There has been a lot of confusion and misinformation about the potential sale of eight Giant Food stores as a result of the potential merger of Ahold and Delhaize, the parent companies of Giant Food and Food Lion. While the company has been less than clear about the...
MEDIA ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, April 12, 2016 CONTACT Jonathan Williams, UFCW Local 400, The first in a series of town halls tonight at 6pm in Fredericksburg aims to preserve good jobs and quality shopping threatened by a...