After months of dragging their feet in negotiations, thanks to your actions, signing and delivering petitions to management in the stores, we finally have bargaining dates and will be back at the table with Shoppers/UNFI the week of July 12. With the news that UNFI no...
The Shoppers contract is currently under extension. The extension can be canceled by either party upon giving fourteen days’ notice. All of the benefits and protections of your union contract remain in place. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to...
As we negotiate our next union contract with Shoppers Food & Pharmacy, please help us put together our proposals for the negotiations by completing our 2020 Contract Survey. Your responses will help us put fight hardest for the things you and other members want...
As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the decision by UNFI to combine their Shoppers and Cub operations and continue operating Shoppers stores through this year, at this point we have had some preliminary talks regarding a new contract. To give us...
We are working with every employer we represent to provide enhanced policies for our members working during this crisis, including sick leave, hazard pay, protective equipment, and more. If you are a member with a COVID-19 concern in your workplace, please report it...