Sep 20 & 27: Giant & Safeway Contract Action Team Trainings

Sep 20 & 27: Giant & Safeway Contract Action Team Trainings

As we negotiate with Giant and Safeway, we must show the companies that we are united for the contract we deserve. And the best way to show them we’re serious is when union members take action – that’s where the Contract Action Team comes in! The Contract Action Team...
Boycott of Union Kitchen Launching Friday, June 16

Boycott of Union Kitchen Launching Friday, June 16

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 14, 2023) – The United Food & Commercial Workers Local 400 Union, along with a coalition of 20 supporting organizations, will launch a consumer boycott of Union Kitchen stores beginning at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, June 16 unless management...
Three Steps Union Kitchen Can Take Right Now to Avoid a Boycott

Three Steps Union Kitchen Can Take Right Now to Avoid a Boycott

Last week, we announced we are preparing to boycott Union Kitchen stores beginning at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, June 16 in response to management’s ongoing efforts to undermine the workers’ union – efforts that have been subject to multiple charges with the National Labor...