No Deal Reached With Kroger, Strike Vote Scheduled

No Deal Reached With Kroger, Strike Vote Scheduled

Vote NO to Reject Kroger’s Offer, Vote YES to Approve Strike After weeks of bargaining, and going late into the night prior to expiration, we have not reached an agreement with Kroger that we can recommend for ratification. Scroll down to review the latest update on...
Tough Bargaining Continues – Rallies Today

Tough Bargaining Continues – Rallies Today

With less than 48 hours to go until expiration, your union’s bargaining team has continued to meet with Kroger to work toward a fair contract that meets our goals: Real Raises that Overcome Inflation Preserve Health & Welfare Benefits More Paid Time Off Better...
Apply for the 2024 UFCW Charity Foundation Scholarship

Apply for the 2024 UFCW Charity Foundation Scholarship

UFCW is about workers coming together to build better lives for themselves. It is about creating opportunity. That is why each year the UFCW Charity Foundation awards several scholarships of up to $8,000 each to UFCW members or their unmarried dependents under the age...