We are pleased to announce we have reached a tentative agreement with Giant and Safeway on a new contract to avert a strike. Our bargaining committee has voted unanimously to recommend the agreement for ratification. We are putting together the documentation to share...
PUT SOME RESPECT IN OUR CHECKS! Giant and Safeway are not taking us seriously. With a little more than 24 hours to go before expiration, their proposals are far from what is needed to reward the hard work and sacrifices we have made over the last four years. Our...
With Our Current Contract Close to Expiration, It’s Time for Giant & Safeway to Get Serious After several weeks of hard bargaining sessions with Giant and Safeway, progress toward our new contract remains slow. We are still far apart on many issues, but we remain...
Over the last week, we had another round of contract negotiations with representatives from Giant and Safeway. We exchanged initial comprehensive proposals covering compensation, benefits, and working conditions. We are far apart on almost every issue, but we are...
UFCW Local 400 members working at Clinton Healthcare Center in Clinton, Md., have overwhelmingly ratified a strong new three-year collective bargaining agreement. Key contract provisions include: Significant wage increases over the life of the agreement. The...