Control of the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate is up for grabs in the November 5th legislative elections, and Local 400 members have a unique opportunity to put worker allies fully in control of the entire General Assembly. Now more than ever, Virginia needs to...
Following on the heels of Local 400 becoming the first union in history to represent the staff of a presidential candidate (Bernie Sanders), members of Virginia Delegate Lee Carter’s campaign staff have organized with Local 400 and bargained their first contract. This...
For Local 400 member and Kroger meat cutter Clarence “Pete” Dickerson, justice was a long time coming. But when it arrived, it was sweet—to the tune of $31,855. Pete’s ordeal started more than eight years ago, when he transferred from his Kroger store in Richmond to...
For Loan Cao, it was seven-week ordeal, but thanks to her union, it was one with a happy ending. A 29-year Local 400 member who works in the front end at Giant Food #795 in Springfield, Va., Loan was suddenly fired on December 11, 2018. She was alleged to have done...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 1, 2019 RICHMOND, VA (February 1, 2019) – After a photograph from Gov. Ralph Northam’s medical school yearbook surfaced showing a man in a Ku Klux Klan robe and another man in blackface, two of Virginia’s largest membership organizations...