Fredericksburg Giant Food employees joined by local elected officials and community leaders to launch #SaveMyStore campaign Yesterday, nearly 100 Giant Food employees were joined by local elected officials and community leaders to launch a campaign to save six stores...
After Suffering A Stroke On Insane Commute, Kroger Coworkers Gather Hundreds of Petition Signatures Demanding A Transfer Felecia Mayes has worked as a Kroger cashier for 18 years. Last year, after Kroger closed her store in Portsmouth, she applied for a transfer to a...
PRESS ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, March 24, 2016 CONTACT Jonathan Williams, UFCW Local 400, Joined by elected officials and community leaders, Kroger coworkers come to aid of 18-year employee who suffered a stroke on the bus after...
MEDIA ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, March 22, 2016 CONTACT Jonathan Williams, UFCW Local 400 – Union of grocery employees to be joined by elected officials and local leaders to call on company to preserve good jobs and quality shopping...
This week, we were joined by Ed Woodard, pastor of the Central Church of the Brethren in Roanoke. He brought words of support from the community, “We stand with you. You are on the winning side,” he explained. We know the community has our backs if we need to call on...