Contract Negotiations to Continue Every Day Next Week The support and strength you are showing in the stores was felt every day this week at the bargaining table. We have been telling Kroger that we will not settle for anything less than a fair contract that...
Take Action to Take Back Control of Our Schedules Last week, we met with Kroger representatives for three days. We discussed our health and welfare benefits and let Kroger know that we work hard and have earned affordable and accessible benefits. Talks are scheduled...
This week we spent two days meeting with Kroger to negotiate our new collective bargaining agreement. Our current agreement expires on October 7, and we are working hard to get a fair agreement. This week, we exchanged some initial proposals and let the company know...
We are your 2017 Kroger bargaining committee! We are Local 400 members who have volunteered to help negotiate our next union contract at Kroger in West Virginia. As we open contract negotiations in the coming days, we will invite you to take action with us to keep the...
What do you want in your next Kroger contract? Join us for an upcoming union contract meeting to help us to shape our strategy and prioritize our goals for contract negotiations. Your input will help us put together proposals well in advance of the actual contract...